So miss Averi is 5 weeks old! how did this happen? She is doing great and getting big! we went to the dr yesterday and she is 9 lb 3 oz. So here is the break down of dr appts so far. At birth she weighed 7 lb 15 oz but lost 6 oz in the first two days at the hospital. Then at her first week dr appt she weighed in at 7 lb 12 oz Dr. Taylor was very impressed that she is only breastfed and gained that much weight which made me feel great! At her 2 week appt she gained more weight bringing her to 8lb 2 oz. and 1.5 inches to bring her to 20 inches long. Yesterday we went to the dr because she had yellow crusty stuff on her ear so I took her in... any who it ended up that she just had cradle crap (hehe) on her ear.
So she is smiling all the time especially in the morning when we are hanging in bed making faces. its so cute I absolutely love it! It makes all those night feedings so worth it! On another note she totally has the Duma genes. She is a great pooper and when she toots the whole room hears and when she burps she sounds like a grown up. haha gotta love it.Auntie Kara would be so proud. I will post pics later Miss A is up and wanting to eat:)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
co sleeping the big debate
Ok so this is a huge controversially debate, but with that being said this is the deal... If your child will sleep longer with you in your bed then do it! If it helps keep you from going mad because you are so exhausted then bring them in bed with you. At every stage of their life you are going to have to break them of some habit so this is just one more that you will have to break. With Averi the 1st week she slept on my chest for every nap and at night. Week 2 she slept next to me in our bed every night, this got me up to 4 hours of sleep in a row some nights. After that I transitioned her to her bassinet we are doing great and I'm sleeping and not hurting anyone so I say that it worked great for me. So all you mommies out there do what feels right and not what everyone else says to do or not to do. And if you think about it your child is out in this cold world where she/he has to adjust to being hungry, cold, breathing all for the first time so why also force them to be alone? I think that this is a great transition they already have to adjust to so many new things. Anywho that is my view on it and I just had to get it out so if your baby sleeps with you or on you for a while don't feel bad, I'm sure that there are a lot more mom's out there that did the same :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
3.30.2010 Labor!
Ok so I'm going to try and write this post before miss Averi wakes up so her it goes...
3.26-have had contractions for 2 days now but they are no where consistant. Go into the dr's and am told that I am 2 centimeters and very thin.
3.30- I am woken up at 2 am with contractions, 4 am they are consistantly 10 minutes apart. Tell daddy not to go to work but to work from home. 11 am go into dr's and i'm at a 3 dr. Biter strips my membranes and sends me home (Membrane stripping could possibly be the worst feeling. He is half way done and I tell him to get out I've changed my mind...nope he finishes and sends us home and tells us to call when they are 3-5 mins apart and/or my water breaks) At about 330pm Daddy and I try to take a walk to get mail... totally didn't work out very well. We get home I try to finish getting the ipod ready for labor music and I tell him I think its time to call the dr. At this point they were every 2-4 min's apart and lasting approx. 2 minutes each. We call and off to the hospital we go.
We got to the hospital about 5 pm, and we are at 4 centimeters! what it took me 4 days to go from 2 to 3 and i'm only at a 4. daddy thought that we were going to be at the hospital forever butI knew that we were having you on the 30th! So we are hanging out having contractions and at 7pm dr Capetankis comes and checks me and i'm at a 6. He asks about breaking my water but I'm no dumb girl I remember the membrane stripping so i'm like heck no! (later I'm told this does not hurt at all.) oh well. At some point Jakes Dad and Dora bring him fast food... All I could smell was those dang onions and being that we really don't eat fast food Jake during labor got sick, not sure if it was due to the fact that we don't eat that food or the fact that he ate it in maybe 3 bites. so back in the shower I go to start having 2 contractions in a row! both lasting about 2 minutes with approx. 15 seconds inbetween each. so between the shower and the bed for monitoring we bounce between the two. At some point in the shower I loose my plug and thats when daddy and I start having "the talk" I'm telling him i want drugs and he is telling me that everything that I think I can't handle I'm handleing and I say "I can't do this" and he says "but you're doing it" this goes on for a good 5 minutes. Finally I tell him "fine this is the deal, when they check me in 10 min if I'm at an 8 I will continue drug free otherwise hook me up with the goods!"
10 minutes later I'm in bed, get checked and the nurse says "you're at a healthy 8" dang! but never again did I mention drugs :) ok so at this point I tell her that I need to push at which she replies "you can't push until your 10 otherwise you could make your cervix swell which makes delivery harder" crap! so my body is screaming push this dang kid out and you're telling me to not push. So for the next hour or so Jake and I are breathing in eachothers face with him telling me not to push. i'm holding onto the bed bar like its my life line and Jake telling me to try to relax. hahaha funny! So now I'm like holy crap call dr cap get him in here to break my water so I can push because whether I'm at 10 or not I'm going to start pushing! so finally 10 pm in walks dr cap confirms that I'm at a 10 and ready to go! Those words never sounded so good! so now we are ready for the good stuff so with 4 sets of pushes Averi Ann Gonzales makes her way into the world. I got to feel her head as she was coming out and Daddy was down checking it all out! onto my belly she came and with one tiny cry she let us all know that she was here and doing good. The rest of the night she was wide eyed and greeting all her guests. (uncle Ralphie was the first person to hold her after me and daddy and then Aunt Kara, Aunt Lindsay, Grandpa Steve and Grandma Julie) After everyone left she got her first bath and all cleaned up and back to mommy.
We had an interesting stay at Encintas Scripps and it is one that will have to be told later as little miss Averi is ready for food!
3.26-have had contractions for 2 days now but they are no where consistant. Go into the dr's and am told that I am 2 centimeters and very thin.
3.30- I am woken up at 2 am with contractions, 4 am they are consistantly 10 minutes apart. Tell daddy not to go to work but to work from home. 11 am go into dr's and i'm at a 3 dr. Biter strips my membranes and sends me home (Membrane stripping could possibly be the worst feeling. He is half way done and I tell him to get out I've changed my mind...nope he finishes and sends us home and tells us to call when they are 3-5 mins apart and/or my water breaks) At about 330pm Daddy and I try to take a walk to get mail... totally didn't work out very well. We get home I try to finish getting the ipod ready for labor music and I tell him I think its time to call the dr. At this point they were every 2-4 min's apart and lasting approx. 2 minutes each. We call and off to the hospital we go.
We got to the hospital about 5 pm, and we are at 4 centimeters! what it took me 4 days to go from 2 to 3 and i'm only at a 4. daddy thought that we were going to be at the hospital forever butI knew that we were having you on the 30th! So we are hanging out having contractions and at 7pm dr Capetankis comes and checks me and i'm at a 6. He asks about breaking my water but I'm no dumb girl I remember the membrane stripping so i'm like heck no! (later I'm told this does not hurt at all.) oh well. At some point Jakes Dad and Dora bring him fast food... All I could smell was those dang onions and being that we really don't eat fast food Jake during labor got sick, not sure if it was due to the fact that we don't eat that food or the fact that he ate it in maybe 3 bites. so back in the shower I go to start having 2 contractions in a row! both lasting about 2 minutes with approx. 15 seconds inbetween each. so between the shower and the bed for monitoring we bounce between the two. At some point in the shower I loose my plug and thats when daddy and I start having "the talk" I'm telling him i want drugs and he is telling me that everything that I think I can't handle I'm handleing and I say "I can't do this" and he says "but you're doing it" this goes on for a good 5 minutes. Finally I tell him "fine this is the deal, when they check me in 10 min if I'm at an 8 I will continue drug free otherwise hook me up with the goods!"
10 minutes later I'm in bed, get checked and the nurse says "you're at a healthy 8" dang! but never again did I mention drugs :) ok so at this point I tell her that I need to push at which she replies "you can't push until your 10 otherwise you could make your cervix swell which makes delivery harder" crap! so my body is screaming push this dang kid out and you're telling me to not push. So for the next hour or so Jake and I are breathing in eachothers face with him telling me not to push. i'm holding onto the bed bar like its my life line and Jake telling me to try to relax. hahaha funny! So now I'm like holy crap call dr cap get him in here to break my water so I can push because whether I'm at 10 or not I'm going to start pushing! so finally 10 pm in walks dr cap confirms that I'm at a 10 and ready to go! Those words never sounded so good! so now we are ready for the good stuff so with 4 sets of pushes Averi Ann Gonzales makes her way into the world. I got to feel her head as she was coming out and Daddy was down checking it all out! onto my belly she came and with one tiny cry she let us all know that she was here and doing good. The rest of the night she was wide eyed and greeting all her guests. (uncle Ralphie was the first person to hold her after me and daddy and then Aunt Kara, Aunt Lindsay, Grandpa Steve and Grandma Julie) After everyone left she got her first bath and all cleaned up and back to mommy.
We had an interesting stay at Encintas Scripps and it is one that will have to be told later as little miss Averi is ready for food!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Funny things husbands say while your pregnant
1. "wow you gained 5 lbs... see thats not too bad" The nurse automatically asks if he would like to go sit in the waiting room, hehe
2. " I'm just looking for something for dinner that isn't too much work for you." He quickly trys to laugh this off and says "wow that totally slipped out" hahaha yeah and that knife totally slipped hehe no this was actually quite funny.
3. now remember this is at 40 weeks and 3 days he say's this while pinching my cheek, "wow you're definitely ready to have this baby." I start laughing and ask him what he means and he says while laughing "ummmm you have this glow about you" hahha why do I find this funny?
Things Efrain has said to Jillian:
1.Well, Efrain told me that my hips are getting bigger, and after I gave him the death look, he added, "But I like that"
2.Or when he asked me if I would be upset if I hit the 200 pound mark again like I did with Addyson...again gave him the death look and he said "What? I don't know anything about weight"
Haha there should be a class that tells men that when we get pregnant they need to keep their mouths shut even if we are chasing them with deadly objects they are in the wrong, they need to apologize and just realize that we might be slightly crazy at the moment but we are building the next generation and its normal to act a little crazy, but with them saying these types of things it just makes it worse. Even if we both find it funny its still no wonder that we have moments :)
2. " I'm just looking for something for dinner that isn't too much work for you." He quickly trys to laugh this off and says "wow that totally slipped out" hahaha yeah and that knife totally slipped hehe no this was actually quite funny.
3. now remember this is at 40 weeks and 3 days he say's this while pinching my cheek, "wow you're definitely ready to have this baby." I start laughing and ask him what he means and he says while laughing "ummmm you have this glow about you" hahha why do I find this funny?
Things Efrain has said to Jillian:
1.Well, Efrain told me that my hips are getting bigger, and after I gave him the death look, he added, "But I like that"
2.Or when he asked me if I would be upset if I hit the 200 pound mark again like I did with Addyson...again gave him the death look and he said "What? I don't know anything about weight"
Haha there should be a class that tells men that when we get pregnant they need to keep their mouths shut even if we are chasing them with deadly objects they are in the wrong, they need to apologize and just realize that we might be slightly crazy at the moment but we are building the next generation and its normal to act a little crazy, but with them saying these types of things it just makes it worse. Even if we both find it funny its still no wonder that we have moments :)
40 weeks and 4 days....
Ok baby Girl it is now about that time to start packing your bags! Thats right you are going to be evicted very soon! Had a dr appt last Friday (40 weeks and 1 day) I was told that your head is so low that he can feel you! and my cervix is very thin and dilated to 2. That means that while you are painfully grinding your head you are getting your mama ready. But now its 3 days later and your mama is ready. I have had contractions all night and here it is 1 pm and still having them but haven't had one in a little while so i'm starting to think they have gone away again. They have been coming and going all last week but not to this extent so I started to think that soon you would be here but I'm guessing it was just another trick you wanted to play on me. And you daddy is sooo ready for you to be here he just can't wait any longer to see you and hold you, I know that we are going to be crying fools when you finally get here all this pent up anticipation is starting to kill us! Yesterday we went to see your favorite movie (Alice in Wonderland) and just like when I read this story to you, you started kicking like crazy when Alice fell down the hole and daddy was amazed at how much you moved throughout the movie especially when it got really loud. Well baby girl mommy and daddy and big sis Barley are ready for you (well almost let me finish cleaning the house and the laundry) then you can come. Love you a million times a million!
Love Mommy!
Love Mommy!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
March 25th week 40
Well D-day has come and is almost gone and here I sit infront of the computer updating the blog organizing pictures on the external hard drive and finishing up all the Thank you's. I've gone on two walks today and had contractions since 3 am and yet here it is 6pm and they are gone... I had one at 2pm worth mentioning but other than that the other ones were all cramp like sensations... So I think she likes her warm little home and doesn't want to come out. I am hoping that this weekend she will start making her way into the world and it looks like Jake is taking me to the LPGA to see Grammy D and to walk... fun right :( Everybody says to have sex and to eat spicy food and to walk A LOT. But yeah my back hurts I'm tired and I have no energy and you want me to do stuff. Good luck with that.
So yesterday our baby sling got recalled. ugh I'm so bummed I really want a sling to walk around with so what did I do I made my own. It probably isn't as nice as a store bought one but for my first attempt I think that I did a heck of a job now I just need her to come out so I can see how it works. Well at least we are ready for her... Thank you cards are done, laundry done, grocery shopping is done, the stroller is built (we got the bob and I love it!!) the carseat and extra base have been installed, dr's office called to confirm what we need to do to select our peditrican. I think its all done I still need to do some organizing and last minute hospital bag check and oh yeah some returns but other than that we are ready. I figure tomorrow I can do a lot of it and then this weekend she can arrive.
Well I will have to get a 40 week pic and post it.
So yesterday our baby sling got recalled. ugh I'm so bummed I really want a sling to walk around with so what did I do I made my own. It probably isn't as nice as a store bought one but for my first attempt I think that I did a heck of a job now I just need her to come out so I can see how it works. Well at least we are ready for her... Thank you cards are done, laundry done, grocery shopping is done, the stroller is built (we got the bob and I love it!!) the carseat and extra base have been installed, dr's office called to confirm what we need to do to select our peditrican. I think its all done I still need to do some organizing and last minute hospital bag check and oh yeah some returns but other than that we are ready. I figure tomorrow I can do a lot of it and then this weekend she can arrive.
Well I will have to get a 40 week pic and post it.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
39 Weeks
So I have been so bad about updating my blog and I'm sure there are tons of pics that need to be posted so I will try to add some while I'm thinking about it. But as of right now we are officially 39 weeks. I'm off of work and running around trying to get everything done before she comes. I have returned and purchased everything I think we need, cleaned and organized the entire house, got laundry done and groceries purchased. Now I just need to finish thank you cards, her first baby book that will take you through the entire pregnancy and her baby blanket. I had a dr appt yesterday and I lost 5 lbs which is fine especially since my appetite is non existant right now. I only eat because I look at the clock and feel guilty or my daughter starts kneeing me letting me know that she wants some food. Any who so the doctor said everything sounds and looks good. A few weeks ago he was guessing that she is probably weighing 7.5 lbs so with .5lb gain every week she should be a pretty good size. And of course that is a guestimate so its always plus or minus a lb.
Anywho so a few weeks ago Jake and I did a maternity shoot with an old work friend Megan ( we went to Rancho Bernardo Inn where we got married and spent almost 2 hours taking pictures of us and the belly! It was so much fun and we got some amazing pictures. I can't wait to do the newborn pics after she gets here I know its going to make the best photo album and the best family wall. I can't believe that I could be taking a child with me to my grandma's house for easter. well hopefully we will be. Who knows I could still be prego! Anywho nothing too exciting going on just hanging out pregnant trying to keep it low key until Sunday (my dr is on vacation from today Thursday to Sunday) So no long walks no cleaning so I should be able to get the thank you's blanket and book done and then Sunday I'm going to start doing things again! ok well I think it's nap time :) yep I'm super super tired. Oh and I didn't tell you so at the doctor's I asked him about my back pain and guess what my little lovey did she seperated or dislocated my ribs from my spine or something like that so thats why I'm unable to really sleep comfortably.
Any who gotta go take a nap :)
Anywho so a few weeks ago Jake and I did a maternity shoot with an old work friend Megan ( we went to Rancho Bernardo Inn where we got married and spent almost 2 hours taking pictures of us and the belly! It was so much fun and we got some amazing pictures. I can't wait to do the newborn pics after she gets here I know its going to make the best photo album and the best family wall. I can't believe that I could be taking a child with me to my grandma's house for easter. well hopefully we will be. Who knows I could still be prego! Anywho nothing too exciting going on just hanging out pregnant trying to keep it low key until Sunday (my dr is on vacation from today Thursday to Sunday) So no long walks no cleaning so I should be able to get the thank you's blanket and book done and then Sunday I'm going to start doing things again! ok well I think it's nap time :) yep I'm super super tired. Oh and I didn't tell you so at the doctor's I asked him about my back pain and guess what my little lovey did she seperated or dislocated my ribs from my spine or something like that so thats why I'm unable to really sleep comfortably.
Any who gotta go take a nap :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
week 35 Family baby shower
So I'm completely behind on posting so I'm attempting to catch up so sorry if these are not too exciting.
So before I start with the amazing baby shower lets go back to the week... well lets just say it was a crazy week. My work now has 2 sites one in San Diego and one in San Fran which is great, but that means that I am responsible for getting all the information needed to get a proposal together to try and obtain the site in SF. So between the constant meetings and trying to prepare my staff for Maternity leave I have also been dealing with my HR who is in Chicago so they have no idea how CA law works. So back and forth constantly and we have decided that they will force me to be paid out for 2 weeks of vacation time and I will be out 12 weeks after delivery. I swear this went on all week and I had to go to the State office to prove to HR the time that I am allotted. Anywho hopefully this all is settled and we don't have to deal with HR anymore throughout this because maybe I'm a little emotional right now but um hello I have a child trying to rip through my abdomen and I'm working my butt off and now I'm having to do HR's job. ugh and the way that she was saying things to me it was just enough to make anyone go crazy!
Any who onto my amazing shower! ok so we had the shower at Grammy D's and Grandpa Ralph's house (not sure if he has a special name picked out yet hehe) so any who so I got there and Daddy and Grandpa went golfing while the girls partied down. There was the cutest sign welcoming the guest's letting them know while Baby A was not there to thank them she was so happy to have them there. it was adorable! And then there was a table set up with Fabric Markers so that you could write or design a onsie. I seriously have to remember that idea because it is so cute looking at all the designs that everyone did. We were completely overwhelmed and spoiled at all the gifts. Grammy D made her first quilt and Aunt Debbie made you a knitted blanket that is perfect to grow with. I think I might need to snuggle down in both of these blankets until your ready for them :)
The following Tuesday work had a baby shower for us and again I was amazed at the generosity of everyone who attended! We had a delicious cake that I probably ate too much of and we proved that at the next dr weigh in :) Hillary made you her first quilt and Angelina and Sandra made the coolest toy box painted pink with animals all over. Still haven't released your name yet so Gonzales is on the top:)
So the Dr appt went well gained more weight and he still doesn't want to tell us how big he thinks your going to be... but he pointed out a cute little 7lb baby girl and laughed as he said you definitley won't be that little. well I feel like your going to be 8.5-9.5 lbs so we will see.
So before I start with the amazing baby shower lets go back to the week... well lets just say it was a crazy week. My work now has 2 sites one in San Diego and one in San Fran which is great, but that means that I am responsible for getting all the information needed to get a proposal together to try and obtain the site in SF. So between the constant meetings and trying to prepare my staff for Maternity leave I have also been dealing with my HR who is in Chicago so they have no idea how CA law works. So back and forth constantly and we have decided that they will force me to be paid out for 2 weeks of vacation time and I will be out 12 weeks after delivery. I swear this went on all week and I had to go to the State office to prove to HR the time that I am allotted. Anywho hopefully this all is settled and we don't have to deal with HR anymore throughout this because maybe I'm a little emotional right now but um hello I have a child trying to rip through my abdomen and I'm working my butt off and now I'm having to do HR's job. ugh and the way that she was saying things to me it was just enough to make anyone go crazy!
Any who onto my amazing shower! ok so we had the shower at Grammy D's and Grandpa Ralph's house (not sure if he has a special name picked out yet hehe) so any who so I got there and Daddy and Grandpa went golfing while the girls partied down. There was the cutest sign welcoming the guest's letting them know while Baby A was not there to thank them she was so happy to have them there. it was adorable! And then there was a table set up with Fabric Markers so that you could write or design a onsie. I seriously have to remember that idea because it is so cute looking at all the designs that everyone did. We were completely overwhelmed and spoiled at all the gifts. Grammy D made her first quilt and Aunt Debbie made you a knitted blanket that is perfect to grow with. I think I might need to snuggle down in both of these blankets until your ready for them :)
The following Tuesday work had a baby shower for us and again I was amazed at the generosity of everyone who attended! We had a delicious cake that I probably ate too much of and we proved that at the next dr weigh in :) Hillary made you her first quilt and Angelina and Sandra made the coolest toy box painted pink with animals all over. Still haven't released your name yet so Gonzales is on the top:)
So the Dr appt went well gained more weight and he still doesn't want to tell us how big he thinks your going to be... but he pointed out a cute little 7lb baby girl and laughed as he said you definitley won't be that little. well I feel like your going to be 8.5-9.5 lbs so we will see.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
2 days shy of 35 weeks
OK WHAT THE HECKKKK! ok so braxton hicks have set in. 2 days prior to 35 weeks and ouch! they are here all day long and have woken me up in the middle of the night. I thought that hey one day of these no prob, but now the second day in a row and yes they are uncomfortable and annoying but I know that they are not the real thing. But I have so much on my plate at work that I really don't have time for the oh my I can't walk or stand up during one. And I have so many meetings all day where I need to focus that it is slightly frustrating. Oh well I have an appt on Friday so maybe he will do an ultrasound so we can see what this crazy girl is doing in there. I swear she wants out now! Remember being younger and being sent to bed but yet you could hear all the fun stuff still happening out there??? Well I think thats her she is like I know you are having fun and I want to play too. Hopefully she will wait 5 weeks and hopefully by the time we get there I'm a total pro with all the practice I'm currently getting :) Well just wanted to keep everyone posted on the crazy fun we are having and hopefully Friday I will get to report how big Dr. Capetankis thinks she is and if we are progressing with these fun things or if they really are just practice pains. Check back soon :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
week 34
So this week has been tough my energy is sooo low and everything hurts! My feet hurt my hips hurt and when i walk I feel like my groin is going to pull. It has definitely hit that time where I want her out. I want to be able to have someone else hold her for a moment. I wish I could take my belly off put it down to wash the dishes and then put it back on. I have the hardest time doing little things like washing the dishes or vaccuming. I have too much pulling me forward and then the little bugger gets under my ribs so when I lean forward to do anything like tie my shoes it feels like I'm dislocating a rib.
So this weekend Lindsay finally got to feel her move not any crazy big movements but little ones and then the hiccups which she has constantly. But I was just happy that she felt her at all especially because it wasn't the crack of dawn or super late at night. so I'm glad she got to feel something. so we got my registry updated, had a great lunch and shopped until I felt like my feet were 3 sizes bigger and depressed at the fact that nothing fit! Ugh I really wanted to find something super adorable for Vday but I guess rummaging through the closet will have to do. Anywho so we have a great time hanging out and its just so nice to have her to myself. We are both so busy especially now with her new job that it really is nice getting some girl time with no kids and no ringing phones :)
Yesterday was Valentines and my hunny and I had the best day. we woke up late then I took a nap and then he made me waffles and then we took B for a walk. Got home showered and off we went for a few hours of shopping, I found a great shower dress even though at this point I just feel huge because dresses just drape on you and you probably look ten times larger then you are. So anywho got a dress, came home and got ready for an amazing dinner. This is the "last" Vday without a child so I was going to get all sex'd up for the event. i didn't care what everyone else might be wearing I was going to look sexy! So I got out one of my dresses that I love!!!! put it one with some hot little black and gold stilletos and strutted my stuff to the resturaunt. Now we went to Pacific Coast Grill a pretty nice restaurant with an amazing vibe and people were in there wearing crap! I was shocked that people just came from I don't know the gym... anywho so here I walk in feeling sexy and huge and I walked past everyone like I owned the night. And you know what we were the best looking couple in there and I was so happy that for our last VDay we rocked it! Any who so we started with Merlot for J and a Cran and Sprite for me, the most amazing artichoke heart button stuffed with hickory pulled pork and then I had an amazing seabass and J had a Filet. So So yummy and for desert we had brownies with bruleed (sp?) banana's fresh fruit and ice cream perfect ending to a wonderful day. Then to top it off we got home put on our pj's and fell asleep (my most favorite thing these days)
Anywho amazing week and I can't wait for our Friday Dr appt. Every Friday at 4 these days will be spent with the two men in my life these days Dr. Capetankis.
So this weekend Lindsay finally got to feel her move not any crazy big movements but little ones and then the hiccups which she has constantly. But I was just happy that she felt her at all especially because it wasn't the crack of dawn or super late at night. so I'm glad she got to feel something. so we got my registry updated, had a great lunch and shopped until I felt like my feet were 3 sizes bigger and depressed at the fact that nothing fit! Ugh I really wanted to find something super adorable for Vday but I guess rummaging through the closet will have to do. Anywho so we have a great time hanging out and its just so nice to have her to myself. We are both so busy especially now with her new job that it really is nice getting some girl time with no kids and no ringing phones :)
Yesterday was Valentines and my hunny and I had the best day. we woke up late then I took a nap and then he made me waffles and then we took B for a walk. Got home showered and off we went for a few hours of shopping, I found a great shower dress even though at this point I just feel huge because dresses just drape on you and you probably look ten times larger then you are. So anywho got a dress, came home and got ready for an amazing dinner. This is the "last" Vday without a child so I was going to get all sex'd up for the event. i didn't care what everyone else might be wearing I was going to look sexy! So I got out one of my dresses that I love!!!! put it one with some hot little black and gold stilletos and strutted my stuff to the resturaunt. Now we went to Pacific Coast Grill a pretty nice restaurant with an amazing vibe and people were in there wearing crap! I was shocked that people just came from I don't know the gym... anywho so here I walk in feeling sexy and huge and I walked past everyone like I owned the night. And you know what we were the best looking couple in there and I was so happy that for our last VDay we rocked it! Any who so we started with Merlot for J and a Cran and Sprite for me, the most amazing artichoke heart button stuffed with hickory pulled pork and then I had an amazing seabass and J had a Filet. So So yummy and for desert we had brownies with bruleed (sp?) banana's fresh fruit and ice cream perfect ending to a wonderful day. Then to top it off we got home put on our pj's and fell asleep (my most favorite thing these days)
Anywho amazing week and I can't wait for our Friday Dr appt. Every Friday at 4 these days will be spent with the two men in my life these days Dr. Capetankis.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
week 32/33
Email written to my mom (notice the time)
Wed, February 3, 2010 2:33:25 AM
Subject: Nightlife of a soon to be mommyNext blog...maybe
So as I sit here at 215am I reflect on my night. Went to bed at 830 woke at 1130 to p and again at 100am clock time aka 1245am real time and now I lay here listening to the deep slow breaths of my slumbering husband. Thinking how lovely it would be to sleep so soundly that u don't feel the constant toss and turn and getting out of bed wife. Oh and did I mention the fact that my mind is racing of things to do today once I'm really awake or delirious at work, so I write myswlf an email of things to accomplish before my head crashes to my desk. And then it starts to race about hmm maybe I should p again so if I fall asleep (yeah right) I will get a few hours in. But first I'm thirsty so up we go to get some nice ice cold apple juice,yum. P, lay in bed and oh crap sugar! Babies now awake and loving the sugar damn and really is that my dog snoring? Do I have a sign that says please rub it in folks "I don't sleep". I find it interesting in baby books how it talks about ligaments stretching and how u will now be clummsy um or maybe ur so delirious u no longer see straight so walls really do move I think that's a more accurate accessment. So anywho babies awake mind racing so let's move to the couch and write the next blog at 2 something in the morning. Why move to the couch bc I feel bad the typing might wake the oh so peaceful dog and husband. Sheesh I should wake them up at least then I won't be sitting here alone in the dark typing away on the crackberry. Oh well my lovely nightlife oh and before I leave I must say why oh why now do I get a headache like the delirium isn't enough thanks baby jesse for preparing me for your arrival but honestly we still have 7 weeks couldn't you chill out until the last 2? And my dr wonders why I'm a ragin b word on occassion hmm yeah I'm tired I'm probably hungry and I breathe like I ran a marathon getting out of bed! Oh and speaking of hunger so last night I guess it was now I'm starving so I have an apple walk the dog come home eat a rolled taco and I'm stuffed are you kinding! I'm starving and a rolled taco fills me up, dang kid we need to talk bc when there is good mexican food and salsa on the table mama wants to eat and you position yourself right there on my stomach... Not cool!
Anywho sneak peak into my nightlife hope urs was betterA
Wed, February 3, 2010 2:33:25 AM
Subject: Nightlife of a soon to be mommyNext blog...maybe
So as I sit here at 215am I reflect on my night. Went to bed at 830 woke at 1130 to p and again at 100am clock time aka 1245am real time and now I lay here listening to the deep slow breaths of my slumbering husband. Thinking how lovely it would be to sleep so soundly that u don't feel the constant toss and turn and getting out of bed wife. Oh and did I mention the fact that my mind is racing of things to do today once I'm really awake or delirious at work, so I write myswlf an email of things to accomplish before my head crashes to my desk. And then it starts to race about hmm maybe I should p again so if I fall asleep (yeah right) I will get a few hours in. But first I'm thirsty so up we go to get some nice ice cold apple juice,yum. P, lay in bed and oh crap sugar! Babies now awake and loving the sugar damn and really is that my dog snoring? Do I have a sign that says please rub it in folks "I don't sleep". I find it interesting in baby books how it talks about ligaments stretching and how u will now be clummsy um or maybe ur so delirious u no longer see straight so walls really do move I think that's a more accurate accessment. So anywho babies awake mind racing so let's move to the couch and write the next blog at 2 something in the morning. Why move to the couch bc I feel bad the typing might wake the oh so peaceful dog and husband. Sheesh I should wake them up at least then I won't be sitting here alone in the dark typing away on the crackberry. Oh well my lovely nightlife oh and before I leave I must say why oh why now do I get a headache like the delirium isn't enough thanks baby jesse for preparing me for your arrival but honestly we still have 7 weeks couldn't you chill out until the last 2? And my dr wonders why I'm a ragin b word on occassion hmm yeah I'm tired I'm probably hungry and I breathe like I ran a marathon getting out of bed! Oh and speaking of hunger so last night I guess it was now I'm starving so I have an apple walk the dog come home eat a rolled taco and I'm stuffed are you kinding! I'm starving and a rolled taco fills me up, dang kid we need to talk bc when there is good mexican food and salsa on the table mama wants to eat and you position yourself right there on my stomach... Not cool!
Anywho sneak peak into my nightlife hope urs was betterA
Friday, January 29, 2010
week 31


ok so i have officially moved into ready mode/ freaking out mode. I am ready for her to be here so that i can see her but freaking out because are we ready? well ready or not only 9 more weeks!!! Well Sat we had a wonderful girls weekend and I got to see miss Jillian who is tiny and adorable and all belly! I felt like a prego train everytime we went potty together (hehe potty) I love being with other prego girls I just wish I had someone as big as me. I know I'm not huge and I'm caring all in the belly blah blah blah but honestly can I get 1 person out there that is due the same day or later who is bigger than me. Whatever enough with the whinning. So we all had an amazing lunch talking about sex, love and rock n roll well maybe not rock n roll but we covered pretty much everything possible and had an amazing time doing it. I love getting together with the ladies. Here are some pics of Jill and I together showing the belly love! Oh and ok so I had a dr appt where we tried to do a 4d but little miss A likes to push her face against my placenta (sounds kinda funny i know) so there is no fluid to have the sono waves pick up her features. So no cutie pics...but we are officially 35 lbs which I am actually good with. I mean lets be honest I would gain 80 lbs if thats what I have to do to have a healthy happy baby girl. So I'm taking it all and enjoying it. Another thing I'm trying to enjoy mommy marks thats right I got them and I love every one of them. This is something that I can show her to say first I built you from scratch and then I stretched my body to its limits to make sure you were healthy. I mean yes they are ugly but how amazing is it that your body can stretch and mold to hold a growing human that you built in 10 months. I don't know I still think its pretty amazing. Maybe I'm loving this pregnancy thing a little too much or maybe there is something wrong with me but I seriously feel like mommy marks are completely looked at in the wrong light. We should be proud of our weight gain, our mommy marks and the insane dark huge nipples we are building the future here people so stop looking at everything as ugly or something that can't be fixed. Anywho I'm rambling so I guess I should stop writing but let me leave you with one thing for any of you who haven't experienced this amazing adventure... first trimester your exhausted, second trimester your tired and third trimester your delirious so get out of our way because we might just punch you in the nose and kick you in the shin because its just what happens at this stage :)
Friday, January 22, 2010
1-14-10 Week 30
Ok so i'm going back a week but I have to tell you all about the funniest story ever. I have gone over to the hormonal side of pregnancy now probably since 29 weeks maybe beginning of my 30th week I have just started being hormonal like holy heck really hormonal. So the other night I'm driving home and Jake asks me what do you want for dinner... well I didn't really care and well I was hungry so anything would do. Well I'm 5 minutes from home and I call to see what he decided and he pulled out 2 chicken breasts for me (one for dinner and one for lunch the next day's lunch) and he was making himself meatballs and rice. As many of you know Baby A does not like ground beef so I have been without ground beef for a while. So anywho he is defrosting chicken and I am like damn I really don't want any more chicken but its already out so thats what I'm having. Well I get home see the chicken defrosting and I get super bummed out. At this point I am a 5 year old pouter sitting on the couch. He brings me dinner I take one bite and I start to cry. He asks me "are you crying?" which I respond by tears lots and lots of tears we are talking can't breathe sobbing. Imagine a little girl that just had her favorite toy stollen that was me. And during this I'm trying to tell him "no more chicken I just can't eat anymore chicken" hahaha yeah it was rough! So he takes it and puts it away and asks what he can get me where can he drive (AKA get away from you while you freak out) to get you something to eat. Oh My, my poor poor husband but he was so good just hugging me while I sob uncontrollably. Yes the hormones have taken over. So the next night at dinner what do I order chicken and pasta I don't know what my deal was I have had chicken pretty much everyday since then with no outbreaks but when I get too hungry the smallest thing makes me cry :(
On another note we are finally done with the baby's room we went to Ikea and got a sleeper sofa, which I think at first Jake agreed to getting at first because he was afraid that I was going to cry again, but then Kevin came into town and guess what he slept on.... My Sleeper sofa!!! He said that it was comfy too! I thought that it was comfy when I layed on it at Ikea but its nice to have him agree that it was comfy and he said that as soon as he layed down he slept like a rock so hopefully it really is that comfy and he wasn't playing nice due to my husband telling him about my tears :) The only thing that I can tell you ladies is that now due to the hormones making me cry about everything is that I get things a little easier these days. Which is nice but I hate the tears they are so ridiculous oh well just keep me fed I guess is the key.
On another note we are finally done with the baby's room we went to Ikea and got a sleeper sofa, which I think at first Jake agreed to getting at first because he was afraid that I was going to cry again, but then Kevin came into town and guess what he slept on.... My Sleeper sofa!!! He said that it was comfy too! I thought that it was comfy when I layed on it at Ikea but its nice to have him agree that it was comfy and he said that as soon as he layed down he slept like a rock so hopefully it really is that comfy and he wasn't playing nice due to my husband telling him about my tears :) The only thing that I can tell you ladies is that now due to the hormones making me cry about everything is that I get things a little easier these days. Which is nice but I hate the tears they are so ridiculous oh well just keep me fed I guess is the key.
Monday, January 11, 2010
1-8-10 week 29
ok so we stunk on the picture taking this week so next week (this coming thursday really, 30 week) you will get to see how she jumped out again! she is so active and last night/this am she was so active that my stomach seriously feels bruised! oh well at least she's active right, wait right? someone please reassure me this is a good thing... I knew I was in trouble when at 12 weeks the dr told me she was crazy active. does this mean shes going to be crazy active outside. What have we gotten ourselves into! Well nothing new this week just trying to get back to eating normal as in not eating every sweet thing insight like I did the entire month of December. Oh and we went to the dr last Friday and we are doing a sonogram next appt (week 21, friday 1-22-10) and I am going to make sure we aren't having twins! And she better still be a girl! haha seriously if another person asks if i'm having twins I'm going to leave come home and have a glass of wine like my dr suggested otherwise I'm going to punch them in the nose, kick them in the shin and run away before they are able to do anything ! hehe ok well week 30 here we come and can't wait until the baby showers! I'm soooo excited for all the fun stuff!
Baby's Room...
The next pic is a pic of him with it primed, painted and stenciling on the leaves.
And the 3rd and final pic is the room done! the tree with the swing in front of it and on the lower right the crib. you can see our bedding hanging over the back of it.
He worked so hard and it turned out amazingly! I love it so much and I know that our daughter will love it too! I think my favorite part is that it goes on both colors. And incase you want to know my favorite branch (yes I have one) is up in the top left it has a little bump in the branch it looks like it should have a little knot or something in it and I love it!
week 28 new years!
HAPPY NEW YEARS to all my alicious friends! what an amazing week I'm off of work going crazy getting laundry done and seriously I did laundry every single day! But good news got the laundry done, got the bed out of the babies room and into our room, got rid of our bed, got the babies room done, and got all of her clothes and blankets washed! I feel so accomplished right now but I wish that I had slept more but she thinks its party central inside my tummy. I think she knows that new years is fastly approaching.
Oh and the baby blanket is coming along...I thought that I didn't get enough fabric so my mom and I went out got more fabric found that one fabric was seasonal so then my sister and I called every fabric store here to TJ and found it!!! so I ordered an extra 4.5 yards, just to be on the safe side. Once it came in I got to cutting and um yeah I never divided my 72 squares by 4! yikes so now I have enough fabric to make 4 blankets! hahaha seriously I even had my mom look at my measurements. I'm blaming my tardness on the fact I'm prego, but my mom hmm I will have to ask what her excuse is :) hehe I guess thats what you get for making a blanket pattern up in your head while you are at the fabric store. oh well at least she will have a blanket lovingly made by her creative mama.
Other than that the room is done as in completely done! bedding is all washed, the tree has been painted, and we found a couch bed! Yep so we went to SD looking for a new rocker recliner for the living room and while we were down there we decided to check out Ikea just for the heck of it all, so we are there and we find this love seat looking couch that pulls out to a twin???full??? the bigger of the two. so here Jake and I are laying on this bed in the middle of Ikea at this point of my pregnancy I don't care about asking people where things are at or really caring at what people are thinking. Honestly I have almost pulled over on the side of the freeway, wrapping a blanket around me to P and truthfully I would P without the blanket if I knew I wouldn't get a ticket for some indecent exposure :) So anyway the couch bed was super comfy and after feeding the two of us or i'm sorry three of us we decided that the couch was a good idea. So in the truck it goes and the next day I put the whole dang thing together! yes all done!!!
Ok so New Years is upon us and we went to dinner with some great friends and then back to their house and hang out and I would like to announce that J and I were the last couple to leave! Yes I think I was a little stubborn. Just like when J told me that mama's go to bed at 8 I stayed up until 9 just to prove that I'm a mama and not the norm :) yes baby Jesse is the same way! Example you want to feel here move and shes playing gymnastics in my belly and then you put your hand on my stomach she will stay still until you give up. Seriously she has a talent of waiting and waiting and once you move she gives a good punch or kick. So anywho great night and I had a rainbow roll my favorite roll ever!!! And my first sushi since getting prego it was a great night. Oh and then I tried champagne again and ewww holy heck it tasted like rubbing alcohol again. Such a bummer, oh well I will be up and running with a martini soon enough. I know you all are probably thinking hmm Martini really, but yes all of a sudden I have started craving a Martini and not only any martini but either a peach or chocolate espresso martini from vigilucii's and no i'm not a crazy martini drinker I usually prefer wine but lately yummmm I could seriously go for a martini. Any who hope you all had an amazing new years! And I am going to post bedroom pics and belly pics shortly. oh and maybe I'll post the new years video too :)
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