So miss Averi is 5 weeks old! how did this happen? She is doing great and getting big! we went to the dr yesterday and she is 9 lb 3 oz. So here is the break down of dr appts so far. At birth she weighed 7 lb 15 oz but lost 6 oz in the first two days at the hospital. Then at her first week dr appt she weighed in at 7 lb 12 oz Dr. Taylor was very impressed that she is only breastfed and gained that much weight which made me feel great! At her 2 week appt she gained more weight bringing her to 8lb 2 oz. and 1.5 inches to bring her to 20 inches long. Yesterday we went to the dr because she had yellow crusty stuff on her ear so I took her in... any who it ended up that she just had cradle crap (hehe) on her ear.
So she is smiling all the time especially in the morning when we are hanging in bed making faces. its so cute I absolutely love it! It makes all those night feedings so worth it! On another note she totally has the Duma genes. She is a great pooper and when she toots the whole room hears and when she burps she sounds like a grown up. haha gotta love it.Auntie Kara would be so proud. I will post pics later Miss A is up and wanting to eat:)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
co sleeping the big debate
Ok so this is a huge controversially debate, but with that being said this is the deal... If your child will sleep longer with you in your bed then do it! If it helps keep you from going mad because you are so exhausted then bring them in bed with you. At every stage of their life you are going to have to break them of some habit so this is just one more that you will have to break. With Averi the 1st week she slept on my chest for every nap and at night. Week 2 she slept next to me in our bed every night, this got me up to 4 hours of sleep in a row some nights. After that I transitioned her to her bassinet we are doing great and I'm sleeping and not hurting anyone so I say that it worked great for me. So all you mommies out there do what feels right and not what everyone else says to do or not to do. And if you think about it your child is out in this cold world where she/he has to adjust to being hungry, cold, breathing all for the first time so why also force them to be alone? I think that this is a great transition they already have to adjust to so many new things. Anywho that is my view on it and I just had to get it out so if your baby sleeps with you or on you for a while don't feel bad, I'm sure that there are a lot more mom's out there that did the same :)
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