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Saturday, February 6, 2010

week 32/33

Email written to my mom (notice the time)

Wed, February 3, 2010 2:33:25 AM

Subject: Nightlife of a soon to be mommyNext blog...maybe

So as I sit here at 215am I reflect on my night. Went to bed at 830 woke at 1130 to p and again at 100am clock time aka 1245am real time and now I lay here listening to the deep slow breaths of my slumbering husband. Thinking how lovely it would be to sleep so soundly that u don't feel the constant toss and turn and getting out of bed wife. Oh and did I mention the fact that my mind is racing of things to do today once I'm really awake or delirious at work, so I write myswlf an email of things to accomplish before my head crashes to my desk. And then it starts to race about hmm maybe I should p again so if I fall asleep (yeah right) I will get a few hours in. But first I'm thirsty so up we go to get some nice ice cold apple juice,yum. P, lay in bed and oh crap sugar! Babies now awake and loving the sugar damn and really is that my dog snoring? Do I have a sign that says please rub it in folks "I don't sleep". I find it interesting in baby books how it talks about ligaments stretching and how u will now be clummsy um or maybe ur so delirious u no longer see straight so walls really do move I think that's a more accurate accessment. So anywho babies awake mind racing so let's move to the couch and write the next blog at 2 something in the morning. Why move to the couch bc I feel bad the typing might wake the oh so peaceful dog and husband. Sheesh I should wake them up at least then I won't be sitting here alone in the dark typing away on the crackberry. Oh well my lovely nightlife oh and before I leave I must say why oh why now do I get a headache like the delirium isn't enough thanks baby jesse for preparing me for your arrival but honestly we still have 7 weeks couldn't you chill out until the last 2? And my dr wonders why I'm a ragin b word on occassion hmm yeah I'm tired I'm probably hungry and I breathe like I ran a marathon getting out of bed! Oh and speaking of hunger so last night I guess it was now I'm starving so I have an apple walk the dog come home eat a rolled taco and I'm stuffed are you kinding! I'm starving and a rolled taco fills me up, dang kid we need to talk bc when there is good mexican food and salsa on the table mama wants to eat and you position yourself right there on my stomach... Not cool!

Anywho sneak peak into my nightlife hope urs was betterA

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